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Virtual Therapy  |  Hablamos Español  |  Night & Weekend Appointments  |  Flexible Payment Plans  |  Insurance Accepted |  Immigration Evaluations

Virtual Therapy  |  Hablamos Español  |  Night & Weekend Appointments  |  Flexible Payment Plans  |  Insurance Accepted  |  Immigration Evaluations


Girl comforts her sad friend over the phone. Woman supports female with psychological problems. Online therapy and counselling for people under stress and depression over online services. Vector

How to Support a Friend or Loved One When Their Anxiety and Stress is Triggered

Dealing with anxiety and stress is natural. Everyone, at some point or another, experiences the effects of stress and they may even experience stressful moments plenty of times throughout their lives. Some people deal with higher levels of anxiety than others which is why it is so important to openly speak about these situations with …

How to Support a Friend or Loved One When Their Anxiety and Stress is Triggered Read More »

Woman Discussing With Therapist During Session

Reliving Trauma: The Psychological Impact of Past Events 

It has become rather common for several people, especially in the United States, to undergo some form of trauma. Whether you were involved in an abusive relationship, a car accident, or any other life-changing event, trauma can definitely be linked to your present health and how you are currently feeling. Even worse, these experiences are …

Reliving Trauma: The Psychological Impact of Past Events  Read More »

Healthcare concept of professional psychologist

Cómo Latinx Talk Therapy Está Ayudando Durante COVID-19

Quienes somos: Latinx Talk Therapy se estableció como parte de un esfuerzo para dar servicios de salud mental a la comunidad latinx en un espacio culturalmente competente, bilingüe y no estigmatizante. También queremos crear conciencia sobre la salud mental en nuestra comunidad. Nuestros terapeutas con licencia clínica son latinx y hablan español. Nuestra misión es …

Cómo Latinx Talk Therapy Está Ayudando Durante COVID-19 Read More »

How to Manage Emotional Discomfort in Stressful Times

Things have been very heavy recently due to recent events disrupting our emotional wellbeing. There is a mix of emotions swirling around: frustration, confusion, rage, depletion, and depression. These feelings are valid and might be especially intense for those of us that consider ourselves a part of Black and Brown communities. 

How to Enhance Your Self Compassion

We’ve all made it through May! Let’s take a moment to honor all that we’ve gotten through. For me, this month has held uncertainty, challenges, and a lot of time at home.  In moments I was inspired and hopeful, and in others I was overwhelmed and fed-up (and some of these feelings lingered longer than I’d hoped). As I sat with and made room for all of these parts, I was reminded of the importance of self-compassion. 

How Panic and Fear Spreads In Trying Times

If you’re keeping up with the news surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, then it’s likely that you’re aware of the impulsive decisions many people are making. The way in which panic takes control is that people start to take all the information that is created (and is sometimes misleading) and start to run with it. We take a look at how exactly this fear spreads and what we can do to slow it down.